Artwork by Daniel Moorman
After the Battle of Sarujian, Farrina flees Ysaht in pursuit of answers surrounding her unprecedented connection with the otherworldly gate in the center of the Lifespring. Beckoned ever southward by vivid and recurring dreams, nothing will stand in her way as she sets sail for Rhiion in search of answers to questions burning in her soul. Who is she? What is she, and what is her place in the world now?
Meanwhile, with the King’s Summit fast approaching, political tension in Azur’nth reaches a peak. The time for secrets and scheming comes to an end as Regal prepares to declare publicly the evils of the Church. Considered by some to be heresy and high treason, his actions gain him new enemies at every turn. What price is too great to pay for justice?
Pirates terrorize the seas, civil war erupts, and shadows stir as the Dark Days inch closer with every passing moment. Espiria enters its eleventh hour as doors to other worlds open and the fight for survival extends beyond the stars.
Coming Soon!