Episode 63 - What We Love

Love will make us throw ourselves in front of a bullet or run into a burning building. Love will make us listen to the same song on loop while we sing along and cry. Love will bring and keep people together in spite of odds, failure, and even betrayal. Love is the light and the tunnel. The warmth and the cold on the lonely nights. Love is both the sickness and the cure.

We are what we love.

It’s the most powerful force in the universe, transforming the timid to be bold and the rational to throw caution to the wind. All inhibitions evaporate in a cloud of desperation as the lengths we’ll go and the lines we’ll cross stretch further than the horizon. In a surge of adrenaline, we surrender to a reckless abandon leading us to do whatever it takes.

We are what we love.

For all its power, love is just as fleeting, uprooting and taking us places we’d never otherwise go. It’s painful, breaking our hearts and leading us to the edge of sanity to test the limits of how much we can bear. Even when our own survival is at stake, love takes precedent. It changes what we say and how we behave. The games we'll play, the lies we'll tell, the boundaries we'll ignore. The impossible things we'll try to prove.

We are what we love.

Without it, we know only striving and anguish. It is the only thing we all have in common. Humanity's defining attribute. Our krytponite and our yellow sun. Love is salvation and damnation rolled together in a bittersweet cacophony. A beautiful nightmare.

We are what we love.